Industrial Robot Arm Axis Jntuh notes (ARS System)

Industrial Robot Arm Axis Jntuh notes (ARS System)

                                     Industrial Robot Arm Axes Jntuh notes (ARS System)

    Industrial Robot Arm Axes 

    Industrial robot systems continue to modify the manufacturing landscape. They decrease labor costs and maximize quality, efficiency, and speed, driving down operational costs and stimulating products to market faster.

    Industrial robots have different axis configurations, depending on the job and the needed range of motion. They have also come down in size, which enables them to perform tasks in smaller-scale applications and decreases their footprint.

    An axis in robotic technology represents a degree of freedom (DOF). For example, if a robot has 3 degrees of freedom, it can function in the x, y, and z planes. However, it cannot shift or turn. Expanding the number of axes allows the robot to reach a greater amount of space by giving it added degrees of freedom.

    As provided hereby Greg Martin, field engineer with Bastian Solutions, a firm that specializes in industrialization and information systems, more axes mean more functionality:

    1-axis robot: Linear guide system for assigning parts in a single line of motion.


    2-axis robot: in an XY or YZ arrangement, these are frequently in the form of two adjoining linear guides.

    3-axis robot: Typically in an XYZ arrangement, these tend to be in the order of two adjoining linear guides and a third axis guide or cylinder.


    4-axis robot: A further conventional arm that is typically used in palletizing applications in which the faceplate is always parallel with the ground. And Can rotate the object while it is picking.


    5-axis robot: Likely to a standard four-axis robot but adds the ability to rotate the object it is picking.


    6-axis robot: Offers the most versatility with six axes from the base axis for full robot rotation to the sixth axis for rotating the “wrist” or faceplate.


    7-axis robot: A six-axis robot that is located on a rail or some means to move it from one place to other place in a linear direction.

    “There are numbers of software choices that can typically be applied to a given robot and controller". 

    “Thus it is vital to understand the robotic programming details and obligations before implementation.”

    Advanced controls make the robots more comfortable to use and program. In some cases, online tools allow administrators and end-users to quickly choose and configure robot traits

    Industrial Robot Arm Axes 

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